Author: Stephen Covey
Published: 1989
Book Type: Self-Improvement (Self-Help), Leadership, Personality Development
Do you want to be successful? But can’t figure out which path to take? The book
“7 Habits of Highly Effective People” teaches 7 habits for personal well-being, leadership, and the same successful goal.
In this blog post, Stephen Covey’s 7 habits will be explained in detail, which will help you become an effective and efficient person.
Have you ever felt like life is not under your control?
In this chapter, Covey teaches, declare your reactions and tell your future.
Take responsibility for yourself instead of blaming others for your situation.
You are not a victim of external circumstances, you can create your own future through your own decisions.
1️⃣ Eliminate negative thoughts: “I don’t have it” What can I do? Think.
2️⃣ Take responsibility for yourself: Look at your own role instead of blaming others for your job, or life problems.
🔹 Motto: “Your reactions shape your future!”
If you want to get going, set it first. Create your life a “mission statement”.
1️⃣ Write down your life goals: List the next 5-10 you will see, vote.
2️⃣ Take the path according to the goal of setting goals: If you want to be a writer, run 30 minutes a day.
🔹 “Working without a goal is a ship without direction.”
Follow the 4-quad method:
1️⃣ Urgent and important → Do it now.
2️⃣ Important but not urgent → Plan.
3️⃣ But not important →Delegate.
4️⃣ Neither urgent nor important → Skip.
🔹 “Successful people do things first, they don’t stay busy just to be busy.”
1️⃣ In business or relationships: find a solution that benefits both.
2️⃣ In relationships: Think only about your own interests, not the Muslim ones, but about the benefits of both.
🔹 “Real success comes when people win.”
Do you really listen to others? Seek first to understand, then you will be understood
1️⃣ “Active listening” Don’t listen to others.Let them see.
2️⃣ Think from another place: try to discuss them.
🔹 “Everyone has a national issue, but very few people really try”.
1️⃣ Raise the team of timidity of power.
2️⃣ Give different importance.
🔹 “Working alone through teamwork can yield much better results”.
1️⃣ Build my learning habits (read books, meditate).
2️⃣ Live a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, rest).
🔹 “If you don’t hold the axe, you won’t be able to chop wood with much effort.
✅ Take control of yourself (be proactive).
✅ Set goals and move forward (start with the end in mind).
✅ Make important decisions (put first things first).
✅ Think to win (Think to win).
✅ Try to negotiate (Seek first to understand).
✅ Do teamwork and exercise (Synergize).
✅ Update yourself (Sharpen your doing).